Team??Leading to Success ??? Advanced is designed to help you maximize your own productivity and to unlock the full power of the resources that you direct. If you have to manage people and tasks this programme is guaranteed to enhance your performance as a team leader.
Programme structure:
Two facilitator-led modules accompanied by companion on-the-job assignments and supported by the 10-module Success with People online experience.
There is no doubt that the people challenge is the single most important issue to be dealt with at this time. We must bring new strategies to bear on this vexed problem.
The fundamental difference with the Team Leading to Success ??? Advanced course is that it produces a consistently successful approach to leadership and effective team performance through its reliance on unique Success with People?? Academy Leadership Strategies. Our Success with People?? Leadership Action Plan provides a fast track for more effective and sustainable leadership of people.
The Success with People?? (SWP) series of learning experiences guides you to mastery of a set of tools that help you to better handle even the most challenging situations.
You will apply a refreshingly new approach to Behaviour Modification that is a feature of your SWP experience.
You will learn to quickly identify and classify behavioural styles and to appreciate their significance. This then serves as a framework for the selection of the most appropriate response to any given situation.
By deploying a rational and proven strategy for making choices you will enhance your performance and be more successful. The net effect is to make even complex situations much more manageable.
You will use a powerful but easy-to-learn approach ??? the SWP Strategy ??? to drive your interaction with others and to better understand their personal inclinations.
Invariably participants come away from SWP experiences with ???Now I understand!????? and ???That is why!????? exclamations. Giving instructions and feedback are usually seen from a totally new perspective.
The SWP Strategies bring a new dimension to leadership and are a valuable addition to the armoury of even very experienced executives. They are comprehensive and represent a major departure from normal leadership and strategic management courses.
Mastery of the DISCerning Communication Framework gives leaders a proven set of strategies for reading and dealing with the nuances of people???s behaviour to achieve objectives and engender shared commitment.
This is a real opportunity to give your organization a competitive edge!??
Participants will:
2.??Unlock keys to persuasion and positive influence and Assess their own Influence Quotient.
3.??Utilize 10 Guidelines for getting people to change their behaviour.
4.??Learn the 7 tips for getting co-operation without nagging.
5.??Analyse 10 signs that they have made the transition from Manager to Leader
6.??Review 6 pillars for creating high impact leadership.
7.??Recognize key factors that cause leaders to fail.
8.??Avoid 12 career-killing behaviours.
9.??Determine who motivates the motivator and identify things to do to stay motivated as a leader.
10.??Learn 20 ways to be more effective at meetings.
11.??Demonstrate the importance of tone and body language in communication and use the S.O.F.T.E.N. PRINCIPLE to get things said the right way
12.??Learn to avoid 5 causes of ineffective listening and enhance your ability to communicate effectively.
13. Use proven techniques to handle objections and deal with difficult behaviour.
14. Use a 5-step plan and the VOWEL RULES for managing conflict and understand the art of R.E.S.O.L.U.T.I.O.N.
MODULE 4 ??? On-the-job Assignment
Conduct coaching sessions with key members of your team in which you pass on 3 of the most beneficial concepts that you covered in the SWP Team Leadership learning experience.
This is a high impact programme that will move even the most efficient leaders to new heights of productivity. Of even more importance, is the fact that they will be able to motivate the resources under their control and increase their productivity in your quest for organizational competitiveness.
Remember, you have to take time out to sharpen the axe if you want to cut trees effectively. Invest this advanced Team Leading programme and reap long-term rewards.
Follow the prescribed Action Plans for even higher impact!